I turned 34 this year. Here are 34 Things I’m Thankful For:
- My daughter
- Being a dad
- My mom
- My mother-in-law
- Going on walks as a family
- Going to swim classes
- My truck
- Coco
- Family
- My watches
- A healthy outlet for stress
- Baby sleeping through the night
- Field trips
- Reading
- Taking photos
- A nice shave
- Coffee
- A good workout
- Working from home
- Afternoon naps
- Solid communication with my wife
- Face masks
- Pedicures
- My brother
- The ability to enjoy peace and quiet
- My notebook
- A good pen
- Willingness to learn more
- My yard
- Planning trips
- My GR1
- Providing for my tribe
- Being a resource to friends
- Breathing