I turned 34 this year. Here are 34 Things I’m Thankful For:

  1. My daughter
  2. Being a dad
  3. My mom
  4. My mother-in-law
  5. Going on walks as a family
  6. Going to swim classes
  7. My truck
  8. Coco
  9. Family
  10. My watches
  11. A healthy outlet for stress
  12. Baby sleeping through the night
  13. Field trips
  14. Reading
  15. Taking photos
  16. A nice shave
  17. Coffee
  18. A good workout
  19. Working from home
  20. Afternoon naps
  21. Solid communication with my wife
  22. Face masks
  23. Pedicures
  24. My brother
  25. The ability to enjoy peace and quiet
  26. My notebook
  27. A good pen
  28. Willingness to learn more
  29. My yard
  30. Planning trips
  31. My GR1
  32. Providing for my tribe
  33. Being a resource to friends
  34. Breathing