Image of NFT gallery
I bought an NFT

Non-fungible Tokens or NFTs have been showing up in my Twitter feed for months now. I’ve been very interested in them because I’m a fan of art, cryptos, and the interwebs. This seemed like a cool trend and a new way to experience art and I’m all for that.

An NFT is unique and the ownership of the asset is certified. It can be images, audio, video anything that can be a digital file.

George Levy

With that being said, I knew nothing about it. I watched a couple of videos and it seemed easy enough but I wanted to make sure that I did it correctly. So I went on to udemy and found a course, a pretty good course, on buying and selling NFTs.

To learn about and take the course look for NFT Fundamentals (Buy, Create and Sell NFTs) by George Levy or you can click here.

It takes you through the 6 steps of buying and/or creating to sell NFTs in a very short and concise course that took me about 2 hours to complete over a couple of days.

Getting started, I set up an account on I’ve heard about this one the most and since my main goal was just to purchase an NFT, I went with the one I knew.

Then I created a wallet on MetaMask. George mentioned that this was the easiest to use and it seriously was very easy to integrate this with opensea to purchase NFTs but also it easily connected with coinbase so I can fund the wallet.

After everything was linked up, I was able to explore on to look into what my first NFT would be. I stumbled across this project called Lamb Duhs. It was a project that looked cool, and had a fairly active community on discord. So I bought it for a .038 ether.

Since then, I’ve gone off to buy other NFTs from different projects. It’s been very cool to stay in the loop of what is going on in the NFT space.

Why did I decide to buy in?

I have always been really into art and have wanted to look for artists that I can buy from. I never could really fully commit. Oddly enough, I’m also not a huge fan of things on my walls.

when I started looking into the NFT space, I loved how you can create this whole gallery to display your digital art. I also loved that you can support artists in making money not only on buying the piece from them but from royalties of each sale. So in the future, if you decide to sell, the artist will get a percentage of each transaction.

Now What?

I’ll continue to stay in this space. I love the community that NFTs have created and I look forward to being apart of it as long as it stays on this path of creativity and positivity. Check out my collection as of January 2022, and keep up with my collection here at

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