- Distance: 15.77 miles
- Time: 8:07:16
- Avg Pace: 30:54 /mi
- Calories Burned: 3,527
Day 1: A Flat Tire and a New Trail
Our plan was to hit Longs Peak again, but things took a turn right from the start. We woke up at 6:45 AM to a flat tire. Not exactly how you want to kick off a hiking trip! Zach, Mike, and I managed to get it changed, then dropped the rest of the crew off for breakfast before heading to the ranger station. That’s where the ranger pretty much said, “Longs Peak? Not today.”
The guys weren’t thrilled, but the ranger recommended Lawn Lake instead. So, we adjusted our plans and set off on that trail. It turned out to be a pretty solid hike—quiet, shaded, and a nice change of pace from what we’d originally planned. We even decided to hike up to Crystal Lake, but it ended up being tougher than we expected and honestly, not really worth the extra effort. Still, the day had its highlights. We spotted a huge moose on the way to the trailhead and then ran into him again on the trail. Definitely a cool moment.
Day 2: Taking It Slow
The next morning, we took it easy. Originally, we had planned to do the Saddle and Hagues Peak, but after the previous day’s tough hike and the disappointment of not doing Longs, we ended up sleeping in. When we finally got moving, we hiked down in about two hours, taking our time and just enjoying the scenery.
Looking back, we probably could’ve fit in a few more hikes, but we were all a bit bummed out. Still, I enjoyed the trip. It was low-key, just hanging out with the guys, and that was fun for me. It’s always nice to get out into nature, even if I missed my family back home. Plus, the drive from Denver to the park is always beautiful, so there’s that.